XLTS for AngularJS
Can you provide detail on the kind of fixes included?
We will continue the exclusive focus on providing fixes to bugs that satisfy at least one of the following criteria: A security flaw is detected in XLTS for AngularJS One of the major browsers releases a version that will cause current production applications using the XLTS for AngularJS to stop... -
How can we prepare our migration to XLTS for AngularJS?
Applications that use an npm-compatible package manager and are based on the latest major version of AngularJS will be the most straightforward to switch to XLTS for AngularJS. -
How long will support be offered?
Current plans are to offer support through December 2030. Our future plans, to continue providing XLTS for AngularJS after that, will depend upon customer demand. -
A support contract, service level agreement, and license for a version of AngularJS that is maintained by XLTS.dev. This support includes addressing security weaknesses and fixing breakages caused by web browsers and jQuery.
What versions of AngularJS are supported?
We primarily focus on supporting XLTS for AngularJS, which is based on the last major version of AngularJS (v1.8.3). You can find the latest version of XLTS for AngularJS here. We are also offering XLTS for AngularJS 1.5.x. This is based on the End-of-Life 1.5.x branch from AngularJS and inclu... -
Our pricing is based on the number of developers on your project(s). Not all developers on the project will need to be considered, only those who are committing code changes in the section of code that interacts with AngularJS. If you could tell us the number of developers on your team, we could ...
Does XLTS for AngularJS support Ionic Framework v1?
Our primary product, XLTS for AngularJS, does not officially support Ionic Framework v1. AngularJS 1.6.x introduced breaking changes that aren't compatible with Ionic v1. For companies who specifically need a supported version of AngularJS, we have a new XLTS for AngularJS 1.5.x product that mee... -
Do you have any demos to show how to bundle an application?
Webpack One of the most established and mature bundlers available today is webpack. The following repository demonstrates the use of Webpack 5 along with Babel to use JavaScript ES6 with XLTS for AngularJS: https://github.com/xlts-dev/angularjs-webpack-babel Webpack can also be used with TypeS... -
How do I report a security concern or weakness?
Please email the XLTS.dev security team at security@xlts.dev to report any potential security issues in XLTS for AngularJS. -
For phone support, you can reach the XLTS.dev team at Our United States of America number +1-385-213-2055 Our United Kingdom number +44-786-212-9587
What AngularJS libraries or packages do you support?
This is the list of packages that are currently supported as part of XLTS for AngularJS: angular angular-animate angular-aria angular-cookies angular-i18n (i18n/angular-locale_*.js) angular-message-format angular-messages angular-mocks angular-parse-ext angular-resource angular-route angular-san... -
What browsers does AngularJS work with?
For every code change, we run our extensive test suite against the following browsers: The latest stable version of Google Chrome. The latest stable version of Mozilla Firefox. The latest stable version of Safari. The latest stable version of Microsoft Edge. Internet Explorer versions 9, 10, and... -
What Package Managers are supported?
We currently support two package installation methods: using a compatible npm client downloading a tarball (.tgz file) The current list of compatible and verified package managers is: npm v6.9.0+ npm v7.11.0+ npm v8 npm v9 npm v10 Yarn v2 Yarn v3 pnpm v5 pnpm v6 pnpm v7 pnpm v8 Maven using tarb...